Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pete's Study Month

Well i am already into the middle of the second week of my study break. By the look of the picture on the left i am looking a bit strange... put on a bit of weight... Actually been playing on the computer with a picture, honest!

I am, for the third year running, looking at the 'Hidden Work of Calvary'. I have prior to this spent hundreds of hours looking at the physical side of the cross. During these past few years I have, and have been continuing this month, looking at various truths - Redemption; Debt; Penal Substitutionary Atonement, and so on. Terms that have such awesome truths in them but i have tried to ask the questions: What was accomplished? Why was it necessary? What does it mean to us? How did God view Calvary? Actually the more i have looked at it i realise the truths will never be fully understood this side of heaven.
It's going really well and it's been a great time to be sat here in a warm study with
the snow and ice all around outside. A couple of early morning visits to the gym has kept me going. Haven't ridden the bike for a few weeks as the conditions area bit dangerous for someone my age.

Last Saturday
I actually went for a lovely walk in the snow over the mountains behind Cardiff (much where i ride the bike) we even popped into the Travellers Arms on the top of Caerphilly mountain for some lunch.

Well must shooot and get back to my studies.

Picture of Angie looking radiant in her new coat.

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